Dan Sabatay

Realization of an indoor frieze for the Collège de la Durantière in Nantes – one metre High and fifty metre Wide
After a Public Order, the painter Pierre Wemaëre (1913-2010) choose Dan Sabatay as a ceramist in order to realize the indoor frieze of the Collège de la Durantière in Nantes (1974) and a fresco in the outside wall of the lycée René Cassin à Montigny en Ostrevent- North of France (1975)
realized thanks to the special French public subsidies called the 1% Malraux
restored by Cécile Charpentier and Guillaume Benard-Tertrais in March 2014

Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay

The Artistic Work

With gushing colours, this frieze offers the force of movement and the poetic sensibility of Pierre Wemaëre in combination with Sabatay’s particular treatment of matter – now mixed, now crackled, now dense. A treatment that becomes simple fleeting traces or transparent furrows indented into the lava stone itself.
“Installée le long de la salle polyvalente du collège, cette œuvre trouve toute sa place dans un collège qui accueille plus de 100 élèves souffrant de handicap et situé dans une zone difficile”
Monsieur Mérand, gestionnaire du collège from up to 2013.

Wall 1 : frieze 1x 13,23 metre – lava plates 50x50cm

Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay

Wall 2 : frieze 1x 22,21 metre – lava plates 50x50cm

Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay

Wall 3 : frieze 1x 13,78 metre – lava plates 50x50cm

Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay

The Recent restoration August 2011 & March 2014

Realized by Cécile Charpentier and her partner Guillaume Benard-Tertrais in March 2014 thanks to the Conseil Général de Loire Atlantique and Le Collège La Durantière.

Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay Dan Sabatay
Dan Sabatay

Other Collaboration

Pierre Wemëare and Dan Sabatay worked again together on another enameled in lava stone Fresco for “Fresco for an high school in Montigny en Ostrovent in 1976″



  • Vers le site du collège la Durantière Nantes :
  • Vers Galerie Guillaume, Galeriste Pierre Wemaëre :
  • Voir lien vers le site de Cécile Charpentier :